Healing & Reconciliation

The Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy is proud to co-anchor the Sacred Waters Pilgrimage with the Wind & Warrior Collective. This 7 month virtual/actual pilgrimage down the Mississippi River will create space to heal relationships between one another and with mother earth using ancient ritual and ceremony, and begins Saturday, June 20th on the Summer Solstice in Minnesota.
The Pilgrimage provides in-person and virtual engagement opportunities grounded in cultural tradition. A key element to climate justice is healing and reconciliation. Black and Native women and two-spirit people must take the lead at repairing generations of wrongdoings, so that we can all heal and move together toward our shared greater goal. The broad vision of this sacred journey is to offer frontline solutions of what it truly takes to build community power toward climate justice.
The Sacred Water Pilgrimage welcomes Native & Black Female or Two-Spirit identified people to join planning meetings and participate in the pilgrimage in person or virtually. For more information and to get involved, please contact Bette Billiot at Bette@gcclp.org.
Friday, May 22nd - Saturday, May 23rd

The Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy is joining with the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas - the Esto'k Gna people - to hold this Indigenous-led people's Tribunal to support the Tribe's continuing resistance against the petrochemical build-out and border wall expansion threatening their sacred sites in Garcia Pasture, within the Rio Grande Valley. The Tribunal will investigate rights violations by state and corporate actors against the Esto'k Gna and against the land, following a decolonized process that centers Indigenous voices and an Indigenous framework towards addressing harm and pursuing justice.
Connecting the dots between extractive infrastructure, the border, violence against Indigenous women and girls, ecology, and cultural erasure; this event will advance calls for Indigenous sovereignty, climate justice, and a Just Transition from this polluting economy. This Tribunal is part of the work of healing & reconciliation that is essential to Gulf South for a Green New Deal. Only when we acknowledge and repair past and present harms can we move towards ecological equity and collective liberation.
To respect everyone's safety, the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribunal for Human Rights will be held virtually, via webinar. Click here to read the official Observer's Opinion submitted to the United Nations and here to read the full report.